Adhimukti Associates

Shop Establishment

An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the regulation of hours of work, payment of wages, leave, holidays, terms of service and other conditions of work of persons employed in shops, commercial establishments, establishments for public entertainment or amusement and other establishments and to provide for..


•             Compulsory registration of shop/establishment within thirty days of commencement of work.

•             Communications of closure of the establishment within 15 days from the closing of the establishment.

•             Lays down the hours of work per day and week.

•             Lays down guidelines for spread-over, rest interval, opening and closing hours, closed days, national and religious holidays, overtime work.

•             Rules for employment of children, young persons and women

•             Lays down the minimum wages to be paid

•             Rules for annual leave, maternity leave, sickness and casual leave, etc.

•             Rules for employment and termination of service.

•             Maintenance of registers and records and display of notices.

•             Obligations of employers.

•             Obligations of employees.

Get a free consultation for Shop & Establishment Registration with Renewal and Business Setup in India by Scheduling an appointment with an Adhimukti Associates Advisor.

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